
Cómo usar su HSA/FSA para ahorrar en las suscripciones a BoDi

¿Quieres sentirte bien mientras ahorras hasta un 40% en BoDi? Descubra cómo Dr. B puede ayudar a los pacientes que reúnen los requisitos a desbloquear sus fondos de la HSA y la FSA con una consulta $15 en línea.
Fotografía en color de una mujer negra con curvas, con un afro vestido con ropa deportiva naranja, haciendo una zancada profunda en su sala de estar mientras ve un programa de acondicionamiento físico de BoDi en un iPad colocado sobre su mesa de café.

Some of us regularly and enthusiastically exercise for years at a stretch. But then, work, family, injury, illness and other hiccups get in the way—and our beloved workout gear collects dust.

For others, that dedicated fitness routine never existed. Maybe we have a complicated relationship with moving our body. Maybe we never learned to love an exercise routine. Maybe we never found a safe space to move in.

Because Dr. B encourages a love of movement no matter what life throws at us, we’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with BODi by Beachbody—the team behind the dynamic BODi app—to help qualifying patients save money on BODi’s transformative at-home fitness, nutrition and mindset programs.

Read on to learn how BODi can help you invest in your health esteem to see noticeable results—and feel better. Plus, how a Dr. B $15 online medical consultation may help qualifying patients save on BODi subscriptions and digital purchases!

Why does Dr. B love BODi?!

BODi by Beachbody has been a significant player in the fitness industry for over 25 years. But nothing about their approach is old school. Rated the “Best Tested Workout App” by CNN Underscored, the BODi app has grown to become a Netflix of online fitness with a massive signature collection that includes the iconic P90X, 21 Day Fix and T25.

But the nutrition, mindset and fitness app doesn’t merely host recorded and live classes.

Instead, their collection of over 130 structured programs help people of all ages and abilities set safe but targeted fitness goals.

Each program includes a step-by-step plan with a schedule of classes that progressively build one upon the other, plus nutrition programs with a holistic approach to healthy eating and meal planning. Additionally, their mindset programs include weekly motivation videos, monthly master classes, and meditation classes to encourage a sustainable approach to managing weight and improving overall mind-body health.

Altogether, you get a workout planner app that you can set and forget. Just get into your space and hit play.

Starting where you’re at is vital for healing and overall health. It reduces the risk of injury, sets you up for long-term success, and helps you enjoy the healing process.

Here are a few excellent BODi programs for beginners:

  • For Beginner’s Only Super Block: This 3-week course combines essential cardio, strength, core and mobility workouts—plus a week to reset.
  • Pre & Post Natal: 31 low-impact workouts safely and joyfully guide moms-to-be from early pregnancy through their new-mom months.
  • For Active Aging Only: 30-minute low-impact workouts focus on muscle strengthening and cardiovascular health while pushing things just enough.
  • Beginner Pilates and 5-Day Beginner Yoga: Learn the fundamentals of these two traditions to gain proper form and focus.

Do workout accountability apps help you stay on track?

Upon joining, you can choose to connect with an official BODi Partner. They’ll help you choose your programs, support you and hold you accountable to your fitness goals. They’ll also connect you with other members in dedicated groups where you can share real-time check-ins and updates that keep everyone pumped about their progress.

How can you save money on the BODi workout app?

Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA) are tax-advantaged accounts. With them, you won’t pay income tax on any money you deposit and use to pay for medical costs.

Most people use their pre-tax HSA/FSA money to pay for their health insurance premiums, doctor copays and prescription drugs. HSA withdrawal rules also let you use funds for over-the-counter medications, pain relief, accessibility tools, and more.

If exercise helps you prevent or treat a medical condition, gym memberships, personal training fees, at-home exercise equipment and fitness classes become HSA/FSA eligible, too. That means you may be able to use HSA/FSA dollars to pay for BODi programs and equipment!

But those fitness fees don’t automatically qualify. You need a licensed provider to clarify how exercise treats your condition in a Letter of Medical Necessity. Once you have that letter, you can submit it and any (new) BODi receipts to your HSA/FSA administrator for reimbursement.

Learn more about how HSAs and FSAs work—including conditions that can sometimes be treated by fitness—in this Dr. B article.

How to pay for BODi with HSA/FSA funds

To help you heal holistically without jeopardizing your financial health, Dr. B and BODi have teamed up to make it more convenient to get a Letter of Medical Necessity online.

Here’s how to use your HSA/FSA for BODi medical fitness fees:

  1. Go to BODi’s partner page on Dr. B and start a $15 chat-like consultation. 
  2. Answer questions about your family history and health conditions.
  3. A licensed provider in your state will review your consultation within three working hours. 
  4. If you qualify, they’ll email your exercise recommendations and a Letter of Medical Necessity.
  5. Pay for your BODi digital purchase or subscription—and save your receipt!
  6. Find your HSA/FSA administrator online + go to their claims or reimbursement section.
  7. Submit your Letter of Medical Necessity and BODi receipt. (You can only submit receipts for purchases made on or after the date on your letter.)
  8. Wait for the administrator to finalize your claim and transfer your funds!

Your Letter of Medical Necessity is valid for 12 months. If you renew your subscription or buy a new digital purchase, you’ll have to repeat the receipt submission process. But you can use the same letter for all purchases made within those 12 months.

When it’s time for a new letter, start a new Dr. B consultation.

How much can you save on BODi with HSA/FSA funds?

Your tax bracket determines the percentage of your income you pay toward federal and state taxes. Because you won’t pay income tax on funds you put into HSAs and FSAs, the money you save on your BODi fees comes from what you would have paid in income tax.

When you submit your Letter of Medical Necessity and receipts to your HSA/FSA administrator, you’ll probably get the entire receipt amount reimbursed. When all’s said and done, most people save 20-40% off their purchases using their HSA and FSA funds.

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