Pérdida de peso

Apoyo a la salud mental durante la pérdida de peso recetada

Aprenda cómo la pérdida de peso puede afectar negativamente a la salud mental. Además, terapias para bajar de peso gratuitas y de bajo costo, aplicaciones y grupos de apoyo que abordan estas inquietudes.
Una joven adulta que se despierta con un pijama de seda pastel se estira después de dormir y disfruta de una mañana soleada en un acogedor ambiente hogareño.

Key Points:

  1. Studies have shown that dieting to lose weight may challenge how we feel about our bodies, increasing depression and anxiety.
  2. Prioritizing mental health during weight loss can encourage an empowering experience while neutralizing internalized body shame.
  3. Low-cost mental health resources include virtual weight loss therapy sessions, support groups and mental health improvement apps.

If you run an internet search for “weight loss and mental health,” your screen will fill with the declaration that losing weight improves self-esteem and body image.

Little research supports this assumption.

Instead, studies suggest that fixating on body weight can worsen depression, anxiety and overall well-being. That’s because public messaging tells us that thinness equals health, attractiveness and happiness.

Most of us know deep inside that a person’s value has nothing to do with their shape or size. But internalized body shame can intensify during weight loss, shadowing the empowering aspects of a stronger body, transformed habits and improved health.

The good news? Studies show that when we focus on improving our overall health—not just on losing pounds—our autonomy and well-being improve, too. We also have a better chance of sustaining long-term physical and emotional wins!

In your Shed It patient packet, we have you sketch out mastery goals, action plans and coping plans so that your weight loss actively inspires a positive experience. (If needed, you can find the packet in the document section at your patient dashboard.)

To dig deeper into the positive potential, read on for what we know about the link between weight loss and mental health. Plus, a few low-cost resources to guide your path to a stronger, sunnier horizon.

How can rapid weight loss challenge mental health?

Human bodies are incredible vessels, and we should have fun moving in them. We should also enjoy the endless variety of foods that fuel our bodies, minds and spirits. So as we explore the potential negative impacts of weight loss on mental health, we’ll highlight how a mindful approach can deliver an empowered, positive outcome.

Weight loss, depression and anxiety

Studies consistently show that modest weight loss can improve physical outcomes like heart health and overall vitality. But they also show that attempting to lose weight can make us feel mentally and emotionally worse.

One study of adults with no history of depression found those who tried to lose weight were more likely to become depressed over four years than those who gained or maintained their weight. Another found that participants who stayed at the same weight over one year had lower stress levels, higher well-being and greater eating self-efficacy than those who lost or gained weight.

Prescription weight loss treatments reduce some of the stressors of traditional dieting, like the “food noise” that can make calorie reduction a constant distraction. But body dissatisfaction or general food anxiety should be worked out with intention.

Fortunately, studies show that when we improve our relationship with our body image through practices like journaling, reading empowering books or cognitive behavior therapy (which helps us notice and change our negative thought patterns), we can become more confident and empowered in our self-reliance and bodily autonomy.

Weight loss and body shame

One interesting study found that stressing out about how much we think we should weigh might cause high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In other words, the standard by which we judge our bodies may harm our physical and mental health more than our excess weight!

That internal shame doesn’t just disappear when numbers on the scale go down. For some people, the number we think we should weigh just changes again. Others realize it was never about the number—but that we never felt right in our body at any size.

These science-backed strategies will get you closer to a body-neutral mindset, which recognizes that self-worth is not defined by size or appearance.

  1. Nurture and respect your body. Nourish your body with delicious nutrition and joyful physical activity, wear clothes that feel good, speak kindly to your body as you would to someone you love, and prioritize self-care activities that love and respect your body.
  2. Practice mindful body talk. Listen to how you think and speak about your body, notice and try to stop negatively speaking about your body, redirect conversations about bodies with others to different topics and try to talk about bodies without judgment (neutrally).
  3. Practice gratitude for your body. Instead of focusing on how your body looks, pay attention to everything your body does for you, journaling or meditating on gratitude for how it functions to help you fulfill your goals, dreams and simple pleasures.
  4. Adopt practical strategies. To limit negative body image spirals, unfollow body-shaming social media accounts and follow empowering ones, try to reduce how often you use mirrors and scales, and embrace activists or communities challenging traditional body or beauty image standards.
  5. Practice mindfulness. Try mindfulness activities that involve tracking thoughts, feelings, needs and sensations as you meditate on nonjudgment, health at every size or radical body acceptance—accepting your body entirely for what it is right now.
  6. Priotize true self-worth. Identify and acknowledge your strengths, values and qualities—these make up your self-worth. Then, focus on the experiences and relationships that connect you to those values and your sense of self.

How weight loss affects relationships

Studies on romantic relationships during weight loss suggest one of two things can happen if only one partner starts losing weight.

  1. The couple regularly communicates about healthy lifestyle habits—and the positive interaction increases their physical and emotional intimacy.
  2. The partner who is not losing weight feels insecure by their partner’s weight loss or bullied into losing weight, too—and the relationship unravels from there.

The bottom line? How the couple embraces weight management motivations and action plans influences their relationship’s future success. So if you’re coupled, utilize whatever communication skills have worked for you in the past—or explore new ones.

For the singletons out there—single weight loss surgery patients often lose more weight than married patients. So your autonomy may work in your favor right now!

How to find a body-neutral therapist

The above recommendations only scratch the surface. To fully confront any body image issues holding you back, working with a health care provider like a social worker, psychologist, or mental health counselor might be an empowering route.

How to find a weight-neutral therapist:

  • Look for a therapist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). These modalities will help you understand and reset negative body image patterns.
  • If you’ve experienced disordered eating, find a specialist trained to help in that area. And remember, people in larger bodies can have eating disorders and deserve support, too.
  • Search for therapists who take a body-positive, body-neutral or health-at-every-size approach. Many specify their approach on their websites. But you can also ask their office manager or via an introductory email.
  • Use a search directory at Health at Every Size, Bare Health, Inclusive Therapists or Mental Health Match to find a size-friendly therapist in your area.
  • Ask potential therapists about the kinds of exercises they often suggest to see if creative, technological or nature-based tools are a good fit.

Low-cost or free online therapy, apps and support groups

Do weekly injections, nutrition shifts, and essential resistance training on your already-packed schedule make the idea of adding therapy onto the mix just too much?

These free and low-cost apps, support groups and online therapy offerings might be an accessible first step.

  • Project Heal: Project Heal helps people of all sizes and backgrounds who struggle with disordered eating connect with the resources they need. Scan their directory of free support groups to find a community for you.
  • Talkspace: Connect with a therapist or counselor in your state via messaging or 30-minute live video for as low as $30 with health insurance or $69 for messaging only.
  • BetterHelp: For $70 per week, you can get phone, video or messaging therapy with a therapist. BetterHelp also offers financial discounts to low-income patients, disabled people, veterans, students and others.
  • Clarity CBT Thought Diary: Learn cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to identify negative thought patterns and then try coping strategies to change them. Journaling, tracking, AI support, assessments, personality tests and a library of resources give you all the tools you need.
  • Happify: Free meditations, games and activities will help retrain your brain to lift negative thoughts. Or pay $15 monthly for premium tracks designed around mindful eating, exercise, better sleep or healthier habits.


Ferriby, M. et al. (2015). Marriage and weight loss surgery: a narrative review of patient and spousal outcomes. Obesity Surgery.

Foreyt J.P., et al. (1995.) Psychological correlates of weight fluctuation. International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Jackson, S.E., et al. (2014). Psychological changes following weight loss in overweight and obese adults: a prospective cohort study. PLoS One.

Kluever, R., et al. (2013). Weighty dynamics: exploring couples’ perceptions of post-weight loss interaction. Health Communication.

Lasikiewicz, N., et al. (2019.) Psychological benefits of weight loss following behavioural and/or dietary weight loss interventions. A systematic research review. Appetite.

Memon, A. N., et al. (2020). Have our attempts to curb obesity done more harm than good? Our Attempts to Curb Obesity Done More Harm Than Good? Cureus.

Muennig P., et al. (2008). I think therefore I am: perceived ideal weight as a determinant of health. American Journal of Public Health.

Pellizzer, M. L., et al. (2023). Developing a definition of body neutrality and strategies for an intervention. Body Image.

Romo L.K., et al. (2013). Weighty dynamics: exploring couples' perceptions of post-weight-loss interaction. Healthy Communication.

Swencionis C., et al. (2013). Weight change, psychological well-being, and vitality in adults participating in a cognitive-behavioral weight loss program. Health Psychology.

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