Es un mundo abrumador. Usa la ciencia para desestresarte.

We don’t need to list the national + global happenings putting extra stress on our bodies. Instead, we’ll jump to de-stressing solutions.
This week, optimize your sleep schedule, find out how to manifest like a neuroscientist and reset with a 7-minute workout. (Yes, you throw things.) But first...
Your Checkup:
- Clear nostrils + decay + memory = that fall feeling
- Do this if a mammogram reveals dense breasts
- Do you have lice or dandruff?! Here’s how to tell
- Why we love to be afraid, but how to temper it
- Wanna do a pullup? Start with these baby steps
- State abortion ban exceptions aren’t happening
- How to stop a nosebleed—and when to get help
- Can/should you have sex during a yeast infection?
- J. Fisher’s triple-positive breast cancer explained
- How back-to-back hurricanes harm mental health
- Knowing immunocompromisation types matters
- You’ll want to make these 10 fall soups forever
Primary Care
Optimize your sleep
30% of the population is experiencing insomnia right now. 10% chronically undersleep.
Many stats suggest adults should get 7-9 hours a night—women need 11 minutes more than men. (More fatigue from at-home responsibilities. Go figure.)
To find your sweet spot, carve out three days to wake without an alarm. Then, go to bed at the same time each night before. The time you naturally wake can help you calculate your total need.
For tips on how to fall asleep despite stress + strain, get better zzz's at Time.
Manifest like a scientist.
Wanna manifest to destress? We can credit our brain (not the universe) for the results.
When we create goals and focus on them, we build new neural pathways.
Say you're studying to pass a series of tests for a high-level degree. Manifesting helps your brain damper distractions so it can process more information—and you get higher test scores. Or, you're trying to solve a work puzzle so you can gain a promotion. Your brain primes your ears to catch specific phrases, and you notice potential collaborators.
Success happens most with our parasympathetic nervous system in charge. For more neuroscience tips to help make it happen, read up at Self.
7-minute de-stress workout
Most fitness instructors prime their workout routines to rev up your heart rate. But given our stressed + chronically lonely population, mindful movement routines are rising.
Also called embodied exercise, somatic movement or yoga therapy, these low-impact, low-intensity workouts lower your heart rate. For a releasing 7-minute intro, head to the NY Times. Or to learn how Dr. B can help you heal from an illness with exercise while saving on fees, start a $15 fitness consultation to unlock your HSA/FSA for fitness.
Healthcare 911
Only 1 in 5 large companies’ health plans cover new weight-loss meds for employees (US News). The numbers get worse when you look at the details—covering GLP-1 medications can increase a business’ health plan costs. The issue is the high cost of the drugs themselves, which leech over to whoever foots the bill. While their prices remain high, only 3% of large firms say they’re highly likely to cover them next year.
Don’t wait to get affordable prescription weight loss treatment. Take an online consultation to find out if our holistic prescription weight loss program, Shed It, is right for you.
Study reveals a striking health disparity between US and UK adults (Science Alert). Americans 33-48 have higher rates of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high BMI than those in the UK. Our health gap between poor and rich is also far greater—some of the wealthiest Americans are sicker than the poorest Brits. Experts think exercise, diet, poverty rates + lack of access to free healthcare are at play. (Fun.)
A misplaced arm position can skew blood pressure readings (NPR). Two common arm positions patients use during blood pressure readings can make levels appear inaccurately high. As many medical decisions are based on these readings, this can cause inconvenient (and dangerous) ripple effects. Short story: rest your arm on a table at heart level.
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