Boletín semanal

Lecturas lentas inspiradoras de salud y bienestar

¿Necesita un tratamiento en línea asequible? Dr. B está abierto durante los días festivos. ¿Relajante + restaurador? Estos artículos de 2023 inspirarán tus momentos de tranquilidad.
Hierba rodadora decorada con grandes luces navideñas de colores en un nevado día de invierno en un rancho rural.

Our Dr. B online health platform is open + ready with virtual care as needed. We treat 30+ health issues—from acute to long-term conditions and preventative care—with no video visit required.

To inspire your quieter moments, this week’s newsletter only contains a handful of riveting health + wellness features worthy of a slow read. (Plus, vital healthcare news.) So grab a cocoa, toddy or tea + slowly scroll into…

The Checkup

They donated their bodies to Harvard for medical research. Then, their bodies went missing. Uncover an underground web of stolen + sold body parts at Rolling Stone.

Over 300,000 children lost a parent or caregiver to the Covid-19 pandemic—a quarter of them Black. What will their future look like? Follow one family + this generational impact at Andscape.

Before we came to rely on a morning jolt, coffee was used in soap to absorb odors, remove dampness, cut grease + more. Dive into this ancient aromatic history at Atlas Obscura.

For Ed Yong, covering the rise of long Covid solidified that science is not an objective, neutral force. It taught him how to be a better journalist, too. Read his reflections in the New York Times.

1 in 25 people can describe a butterfly or book—but can’t see one with their mind’s eye. Their brain can’t picture anything. Learn more about this fascinating absence at Nautilus.

The largest psychiatric hospital chain in the US uses forced constraint, medication + isolation on foster children with no medical condition—for profit. Dive into an infuriating investigation at Mother Jones.

Far fewer women than men do taekwondo. But sometimes, you just need to hit something for physical + emotional relief. Reshape muscles + rewire thinking via a moving essay at Pangyrus.

US surgeons die by suicide at higher rates than the general population. The healthcare industry doesn’t like to talk about it. These surgeons do. Read their stories at the Guardian.

A banner ad for Dr. B's $15 online health visits features a young woman looking out a large window at a snowy landscape

Healthcare 411

CDC director says US isn't yet near peak Covid or flu levels for the season (NBC). RSV is peaking—but following pre-pandemic trends. While flu + Covid-19 are rising, we haven’t yet faced the worst numbers of this winter. Covid-19 continues to cause the most deaths + hospitalizations. To prevent both, come to Dr. B for $15 online Covid-19 treatment.

For the third year in a row, ACA health insurance plans see record signups (NPR). 19+ million people signed up for ACA insurance plans, 80% paying $10 or less on premiums. Our founder, Cyrus Massoumi, recently explained why many still can't afford healthcare costs—which is why Dr. B offers effective $15 online health care services + treatment for a variety of conditions. Licensed professionals are available 365 days a year—holidays included. Explore our online care.

WHO classifies new Covid-19 strain JN.1 as standalone variant of interest (US News). Strains with advantageous mutations qualify them as variants of interest. So the designation sets JN.1 from its predecessor. Causing 1 in 5 new infections, experts don’t expect JN.1 to cause more severe illness. But it will continue to cause an increase in cases.

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